Thursday, 26 April 2012

Completed another: Number 32: Go to a water slide park.

We went to Basignstoke aquadrome in the Easter holidays. It was great. It has a swimming pool, 3 slides, rapids and some bubble pools.

The slides where great. For the yellow and blue slides you had to go down on big ring floats either on your own or in pair. Yellow slide was slower of the two. On the blue slide you got to go uphill- how is this possible on a water slide you ask? Well it was bit like a roller coaster as there were motors that drove the float upwards. Very clever and fun. Sophie wouldn't go on any slide until about 10 minutes before the end when she went on the blue slide and loved it! Typical. She then had to try and go on as many times as she could before we had to leave!!!

The green slide was called the space bowl. I was a super fast slide that ended in a bowl a bit like a plug hole. Iain went whizzing down and ended head first through the plug hole.


It was great and I think we will go back again. Even better we used our Kellogg's free swim vouchers!

Slides look great from this angle. Sophie stuffing her face with crisps!!

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