Number 8: Cycle the Reading Monopoly Board (with Claire)

Completed: Number 8: Cycle the Reading Monopoly Board (with Claire)

On Monday 8th October Claire and I cycled the Reading Monopoly board (thank you Juliet Gorman for lending me her copy!!). Yes it seems a crazy thing to do but it was great fun (and exhausting!!).

We took so many photos that I have created a whole new page for this!! The following photos show the different place on the board we saw (not in order of cycling them). We did almost all sites from the board!

The places on the Reading Monopoly board were first plotted on a google map- follow this link to see them:,-0.98259&spn=0.143901,0.41851&t=h&z=12&vpsrc=6

Where to start?? The first side of the Monopoly board!

First Go -collect £200. We saw plenty of banks but didn't take a photo of one!! So the first places are those brown cards and the Income Tax

Merchants place is a little street off Friar Street that we had not noticed before.

We did not manage Rivermead but here is the civic centre where the council is based (where they arrange how to spend our council tax!!)

Next sites on this first side is the Kennet & Avon canal (equivalent of a station on typical board) and the blue ones:

Here is the canal (taken in the Oracle)

We couldn't find Charles Street!! But here is London road where the Royal Berkshire hospital is located and the museum of Reading (in the town hall in town).

The next side of the board - the pink ones:

Reading jail - famous for holding Oscar Wilde


Thameside promenade is by Caversham Bridge - where the swans lurk!
The electricity site on the board- we decided the wind turbine over at Green Park which produces electricity would be the best place
 Madejski stadium (where we started and ended our bike ride) and home to Reading F.C.
We did not manage to get to Sonning lane.

The rest of the second side:

The orange ones:

Hi, Can we come in and chat!!
Forbury Gardens with the lovely Lion
The town hall in the centre of Reading - fab building!
We did not manage Reading Bridge.
The next side of the board:

Some odd looks from the shoppers at Broad St Mall!!
Reading Minster of St Mary-the-virgin
The Abbey ruins just off Forbury Gardens. It is closed at the moment for refurbishment so we couldn't go in. There is sometimes a Shakespeare production that takes place over one week in the summer. The show is in the evenings. I went many years ago (pre-children!!) and it rained but the show went on (for a while anyway!!
Free parking at the Madejski - where we started and ended our endeavour!!
The next part of this side:
Water works- the toilets in Forbury Gardens!!
Caversham bridge- needs a clean!!
We did not manage Reading College
The final side:
We didn't get to Peppard Road. We did cycle down Queens Road but did not take a photo.
Go to Jail - Reading Crown Court!! Quick run before we get sent down for completing a silly bike ride!! ha ha
The final part:
The River Thames with some swans!
The most expensive property of the board- or where we spend the most money!!
The Oracle shopping centre (
So that's all the properties on the board. The only sites left are chance and community chest. Chance would be any of the betting shops we covered (but didn't take a photo of). Community chest, we decided on a business we saw in Merchants place- Launchpad - a charity that helps single homeless people to get back on their feet ( Unfortunately we did not take a photo of them.
Claire plotted the route and we did almost 12 miles in 4 hours. We also stopped for lunch at M&S in that time! Energy supplies needed.
Finally I must include a photo of the big hill we cycled up (from Madejski to University of Reading). It was steep but we managed to cycle to the top without stopping!!
Thank you Claire - what a great day out.

1 comment:

  1. Phew! what a journey. When are you going to do Liverpool?
    Dad x.


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