See an old flame (number 25) - Day 3 and 4

Day Three - 8th December
Off today to visit the World Trade Centre Memorial. To visit you have to reserve a time slot (even though it is free to enter it is so busy you have to reserve a time).

Set off to see Brooklyn bridge first. I think we expected something amazing but were disappointed as we think there was some renovations going on. The bridge was covered in parts, there was scaffolding and gaffer tape holding it up (so it seemed!!). Managed to walk almost the whole way across and back. To us the bridge looked better from far away.


There were some strange sets of padlocks attached to the bridge- not sure why?

Then walked to the 9/11 memorial.

Once through security  we entered the main area where the memorial is. The whole area is being re-generated. There where 7 towers, there will be 5. Instead of the twin towers are two pools. There are on the footprint of the original towers and list the names of the victims around the edge.
 North Pool

 South Pool
Museum - shiny building in background 

A single tree survived the 9/11 attacks. It was removed nurtured and returned to the memorial

The Freedom tower- officially named One World Trade Centre
There are not many photos - we took quite a few videos - once I get sorted I will post them too.

Headed off on the subway to Central Park.

Had a wander.

Came across some John Lennon fans at Strawberry Fields (area of Central park) singing. He died 32 years today!


Crowds of fans and tourists
Then went to see the Dakota building (where he lived and was shot)

After a subway ride we wandered around Time Square before going to the View for a drink.

The View is a revolving restaurant within the Marriott Hotel in Times Square.

Cheers to us for being 40 this year.
Felt a bit merry!!Went for some food- the equivalent of a kebab!! Chilli!! Ha Ha

Day Four - 9th December
After breakfast we set of to take a circle line cruise to see the Statue of Liberty. Arrived to take cruise but missed the boat!! (8 minutes late!!) Whoops.

So we decided to go to New Jersey to go shopping - went to Jersey Gardens.

No photos of the shopping!!

Caught a bus from Portland Bus depot. After some good shopping we returned by taxi to our hotel.

 Went for a meal at the hotel. At the black Duck restaurant.

My new Christmas bag

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