Monday, 14 May 2012

Completed number 40: do something daring.

This is a new idea swapped in last week. Whilst up in Newcastle for Charlotte's party we also visited Iain's brother and family (those of team game fame  number 28). They live in Durham. On Saturday we went to a Cub and Scout event which involved abseiling!!

Yes this is very daring for me. We queued for about 1 hour to get the chance to walk down the side of a building!! I am please I did it but was petrified at the top and will not go again!! Iain went down twice and George went three times. Heather also did it -with no fear.

Me and George at the top

Nearly at the bottom



Sophie and Daniel also did some climbing on the climbing wall.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Janette (and all!)--did your feet tingle --eeeeek
    Mum x


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