Sunday 30 December 2012

Very sad that the year is over and it is the end of my blog.

Thank you to everyone for helping me comptete the activities, for being fun, for all the lovely birthday presents and taking the time to read this blog! Becasue of this I am now 40 and it was quite painless getting there!

I have enjoyed this year (mostly- not sure about the abseiling!) and enjoyed reporting everything on this blog. It has meant I have a record of what has happened and a place to put all the photos and videos. And it has meant everyone can see what happened - especially important as my relatives live so far away.  In fact I have enjoyed it so much I have created a new blog! Yes a chance to bore everyone further! The new blog is to report the activities of the Wallace family rather than just me though.

If you're interested follow this link:

Saturday 29 December 2012

Final one of the list completed: number 6 -have a PJ day (well we all wore onesies for a day).

So it all started on Christmas eve:

George left an apple and glass of milk for Father Christmas- the message in the plate explains how the apple is healthy for a change!!

Lots of presents!!
We all got onsies as presents (thank you!!)
Putting them on:
First Iain and Sophie

Then George put his on.


Finally we all had them on

Don't we look good
Christmas dinner in our onsies

Later we played rapido, animal quiz and doggy doo (thank you Father Christmas for such a lovely game!!)
 Feed the dog
Roll the dice and pump the lead (causing lovely noises until poop comes out!).

The winner is the first to scoop 3 poops

Once the children had gone to bed Iain and I played Trivial Pursuit too.

A successful onesie day - number 6 completed and the last one on the list.

All videos of New York now added
Latest photo of plant. It seems to have survived this year! No flowers yet though so no money! Ha ha

Also added this to the nurture a plant for a year page.
Completed Number 10

Monday 24 December 2012

Completed the penultimate one of my list.

Changed number number 16: Try a Segway (new way to travel) to:

Try a new technique in the kitchen.

So yesterday I made a yule log. For this I had to separate 6 eggs - in my 40 years I don't remember having to separate eggs before - how sad is that!! Probably because I am very likely to pop the yoke and spoil it!!

Here is the lovely yule log.

 George liked it!

I am also posting a picture of my Christmas cake - it is a reindeer (not a dog!!)

Finally finished the videos of our trip to New York. They are taking time to upload.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Day 6 uploaded today.

Hopefully I will get the videos up soon. But Christmas is coming soon.