Tuesday 26 June 2012

Walymics - number 34

Its all over. We have finished the Walympics. George won.

Here we all are on the podiums.

We all have 2 medals - one chocolate and one official one. George has the Walympic Champion trophy, and winners bag of sweets. Sophie has the losers trophy.

The chocolate medal comes from the top of the cake.

We also had a walympics torch

And a Walympics flag

We had a great time taking part in the Walympics. George wants to do it again next year even though we originally planned to do it every 4 years. Perhaps George is keen because he won this time!! In four years time he will be 12 and Sophie will be 10. I bet they won't want to do it then!!

Monday 25 June 2012

Walympics - number 34

Its getting even closer at the top. The final result will be decided on the final day.

Take a look at the table football games we played.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Completed number 37: Enjoy learning more about making wine (perhaps gain some tips from the professionals).

Went with Rhonwen to Brightwell vineyard in Oxford for a tour and wine tasting session today. Luckily we know some kind men. Rhonwen's step son Matt took us there and my lovely husband brought us home. This meant we could actually taste and drink the wine!!

Here we are with the vines.

We both liked a medium dry white and the Rose (sorry don't know how to put an accent on the e (french e)). The red wasn't bad either and I don't normally like red.

Close up on the grapes just begining to grow.

We both bought a couple of bottles - luckily we weren't drunk or we could have bought more!!


Thursday 21 June 2012

No 20 has changed.

Now: Try to break a Guinness World Record rather than host afternoon tea with friends.

I have applied by e-mail to Guinness World Records. There is a process to go through to get officially accepted to try to break a record. Not telling you what the record is yet. But let's say it takes one minute and involves a skill I developed while being a housewife!!!! Will tell you more if my application is accepted. Meanwhile I am practising!

Wednesday 20 June 2012

I might have a new task to add. I am currently applying for something that means I could be in a book!! A challenge to complete within 1 minute. More about this once I have sent off my application!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Walympics - another day another competition. It is so close at the top now.

Only two more games left - table football and MarioKart on the Wii.

Who will win?

Another change in list coming up. I am a fickle person.

Coming in: Enjoy a day at the races and bet £10 on one horse in one race.

We are going to Ascot for family day in August with some of the Friday friends to celebrate being 40 (and also because it is great fun!!). I have placed a few bets in my life- usually on the Grand National (because it’s near home) but usually £1 each way!! So I have decided to go big!! £10 on one horse (that's big for me). What if I win I might get the betting bug!!! Might have to study the form before the day just in case??

But what to remove from the list this time??

12. Try a new cuisine/cook a new cuisine

18. Go out in disguise

19. Dye my hair

20. Host afternoon tea with friends

21. Have a PJ party

Most of the others on the list I plan to do or think they are more possible then the items above.

12- I fancy trying sushi as I have not had it before.

18- I think this might be difficult as my dressing up wardrobe is lacking!!

19- not dyed my hair properly before (except for using 'Sun-in' when I was about 16 and my hair got more and more blond!!). If I start now will it be a slippery slope??

20 - Hosting afternoon tea - this would be great so think this will stay

21 - Have a PJ party - I think this will be with children?? Can't see this happening otherwise.

So will remove number 18 today. This will be put in the extra list. Some of which I have now deleted as they will not be coming back (I doubt).

Friday 15 June 2012

Changed another one of my list. Agreed with myself that if I have a good idea or if something more exciting comes up then I am happy to change the list. So this week I have changed number 37 'creating a Skype address book' and put in 'Enjoy learning more about making wine (perhaps gain some tips from the professionals)'. I have spotted a good groupon deal. More about this when it is all sorted! The Skype address book is a good idea but not something I am very interested in really. I have left it in the extra list in case I change my mind later this year though.

But if I don't like one of my list because I don't think I will complete it (but actually want to do it) then I shouldn’t remove it. For example I want to remove number 8: run a 10K. I want to get rid of this because my running/training is not going well at all. I don't think I will be able to complete 10K!!! But I want to do this so am leaving it in. Today Claire reminded me that I have signed up for a jog in the park (so not completely serious). Perhaps I should ask for sponsorship - this might help with motivation ??
Bought some tap shoes!! getting serious now!!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Started another one - learn to tap dance.

Started tap dancing lessons tonight. The lesson was organised by a local dance teacher. She teaches some of Sophie's friends ballet and tap. Went along to the local pre-school hall and met with Antoinette. There were quite a few of us starting this week. It was good fun, quite hard to do (remember the moves and the names of the moves) and I was sweating by the end of it. Just been on ebay to search for tap shoes to buy. Looking forward to next week.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Completed another task: number 35 walk in the woods.

We went up north for the bank holiday weekend. Once the rain had stopped we went to formby woods and beach.

Here are some shots of the walk (and George climbing the trees!).