Wednesday 28 March 2012


We have had Day 3 of our Walympics. I have posted the photos but not the score sheet yet.

We now have a proper trophy as a prize (donated from mum and dad)

I have also updated the growing of my plant.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Completed number 4: spa day with friends.

We went to London last Friday to enjoy a spa day at the Hilton Hotel in Park Lane.

Here we are on our way

Pippa and I

Claire, Julie and Larissa

Here is the hotel - looks nice!

The treatment centre was in the basement. We had a very relaxing time. Over 2 hours included neck and back scrub, back massage, facial treatment, hand and foot massage. Then we had chance to spend some time in the sauna and steam room. Finally we had a glass of bubbly (or fruit juice).

Then we thought we would hunt around the hotel to find the room with the nice chandeliers in (we had seen them on the way in). After Pippa had asked someone we found them .

Fab chandeliers (my favourite lighting - if its possible to have a favourite!!).

We then had a walk to china town, late lunch and a bit of a shop. Great day out. Thanks girls.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Day 2 of the Walympics complete.

Guess who won??

Guess who was a poor loser?? Ha ha

Monday 12 March 2012

Changes to the list - yet again.

I have removed number 30 - cooking something new and added that to number 12 - so I can do either or both this year. I have a new one for number 30- create 10 neuron/brain models out of art and craft (and food). Thought I would try to incorporate my work a bit more and also be a bit more arty - not really my thing! Perhaps I will be able to improve? So far I have thought of:

  1. pipe cleaner neuron (made at weekend when I was helping at an OU Science open day)
  2. knit a neuron/brain
  3. chocolate brain (made already by pouring melted chocolate into my brain ice cube tray
  4. Neuron made out of beads (Sophie can help me)
  5. brain hat made out of card (have pattern for this)
  6. paper mache brain/neuron - summer holiday activity (6.5 weeks off this year!!)
  7. some sort of cake?
  8. using food/sweets to model neuron?
  9. Hama bead neuron (Sophie to help again)
Can't think of any more at the moment. I have asked my colleagues at OU for ideas - perhaps some of them are budding artists in their spare time (unlike me!!).

Sunday 11 March 2012

Trying to complete the list - problems

Well today I tried to complete two of the list. Firstly number 36: go on a bike ride with the family.

The four of us set off today on our bikes aiming to get from our house to the local Waitrose. This is about 3 miles in total maybe a bid more? We started off well but had a disaster just before reaching Waitrose. Georges pedal fell off his bike! Iain rode home to get spanner while I continued on foot with the children. Once in Waitrose they spent their pocket money and I bought some fancy biscuits (for when we got home again). Iain arrived (in the car I might add!!- he says it was in case he could not fix the bike so would have to transport it home again- hmmm) with spanner and fixed the pedal. The children and I then rode back home (slightly up hill). We enjoyed those biscuits though.  As this was a failed trip I have not ticked it off - must try again another weekend!

Then tried to complete number 40 - apply to go on TV (and appear on show). We filled in and sent an application for BBC1 Secret fortune show (Saturday night when lottery is on). The closing date was today so sent the form just before. However it turns out the closing time today was 5pm so I think we have missed it this time? I will have to apply for something else.

I'm trying to reach 10 ( a 1/4) by the end of March but don't think this will happen at this rate?

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Completed number 7 - give blood

Went yesterday to a local church hall - see the hall, vans that hold the blood and nice Porsche (wonder if the driver is as generous with his/her money!).

Giving blood is not a pleasant experience I don't think but as it is useful I may do it again?

Here I am (don't look if you are scared of needles!!) trying to relax and read my kindle at the same time (not easy to turn the page!).

These photos of me are not great. Whatever I complete next needs to include a good shot of me!! No more double chins!!!  

If you are inspired by me then give blood too - follow the link:

Sunday 4 March 2012


We started number 34 - family games day. I have started a new page for it.

Try not to be bored by the points tables!!

I am coming second after one day!!