Wednesday 29 February 2012

Knitting the brain.

Given my job and my recent idea of knitting something I should have copied Dr Karen Norberg!!

See link - a knitted brain!!

Monday 27 February 2012

Change in list.

I have changed one of the list. Number 37 has changed.

I am no longer going to watch a film I would not usually watch. Instead I am going to skype 10 people this year.

Who will be first?
Knitting - number 9 completed

I have learnt to knit!! Not easy to do.

Mum and dad came for the weekend and mum brought some wool, easy patterns and knitting needles.

I am going to make a chicken and a rabbit that hold a cream egg inside them - for George and Sophie for Easter.

Started this weekend with the chicken. First cast on 30 stitches. Casting on took about 2 hours!! Took mum about 1 minute!! Was not easy!

Look at us knitting!

Once I had cast on then I had to just knit 27 rows of the 30 stitches. By row 4 I had increased the number of stitches from 30 to 40. Apparently increasing is not easy to do!! I have no idea how I did it.

See the picture of my mum's reaction to this mistake.

I had to start again!!

The chicken is finished.

Here it is:

What do you think??

Monday 20 February 2012

plants and list

I have started a new page just for item number 10 on my list- nurturing a plant for 1 year (see link on the right). As there should be regular updates and progress reports thought the plant (s) should have their own page! I have two plants growing (in the hope one will survive!!).

I am changing my list:

Remove: write a poem

Add: brew something fizzy. As my hobby is brewing my own wine and cider I would like to brew some cider this year that has a fizz. The last batch I made over a year ago tasted great but was flat. I want to try this again but this time work out how to add the fizz (if not naturally use the beer barrel!).

Need: apple crusher/full apple juicer - last time I used an apple press made by my dad (out of bits of wood and car jack found in his garage) until it broke. Then used a juicer but it was one that required me to peel and core the apples first - took ages to get a gallon of juice!

Anyone want to donate a juicer? Thanks!

Last time had loads of apples from friends and neighbours with apple trees so hopefully they will all donate to me again - this time if I have proper juicer I can make enough cider for everyone to try it!!

I am also thinking about adding 'skyping 10 people this year'. I should really try using this a bit more. We have skyped Sarah, Neil and Isla before but maybe skype more people - create a skype address book?

Thursday 16 February 2012

Plants and karaoke

Just thought I would write a post to say I haven't completed any more tasks yet! Have been busy working so had no spare time (and it has been half term so super busy).

I think the next task is starting - the growing and nurturing a plant for a year. I have 2 possible plants to grow (might try to keep both going?)

Firstly there is a cutting from a money plant. This cutting is in a pot in Glasgow with Sarah (my sister) who has the cutting from her plant. I thought she could send me updates about its progress and then I will prompt her when to water it. I am sure she will then pass it on to mum and dad (in Liverpool) - again mum can water it when I say (so it is me who keeps it alive!!). Then mum and dad can bring it here and I can help it carry on. It will probably be fine until I get it? My track record of keeping plants alive is poor. I had a spider plant in Swansea (when doing Ph.D.) in my office which died (apparently they are hard to kill off??). And George has followed in my footsteps as he has had a cactus and a spider plant in the last year which have both died in his/my care!! Oh dear!

The second plant is a bean plant. Sophie brought it home from school on the last day of term. We have re-potted it and I plan to keep it going as long as possible. We don't know what sort of bean plant it is or how long it should last?

When I can I will post photos of the two plants and their progress next week!!

I was looking at my list and am thinking about 'singing kareoke' and 'going to a pub quiz'. There must be some of my friends who would join me? Need to find a good venue for both of these in Reading? But where and who with?

Sunday 5 February 2012

Another one completed - number 26 - sledging in the snow- hooray!

Snow began falling last night so George, Sophie and I had a snowball fight and then built a snow duck.
 This morning we all went to the local park to sledge. The snow is not very deep and melting now.
Hope you can see me sledging and hear the lovely snowy music?

Saturday 4 February 2012

Completed my fifth item on the list (number 27). We went ice skating today at the rink in Bracknell.

Hubby Iain, children: George and Sophie outside rink- looks good!!

We had a 1 hour session with skate hire.

George learnt to skate almost straight away - well done George.

George whizzing by!

Sophie took a little while longer - we hired a penguin for her to lean on.

Sophie and her penguin

Here are some action shots:

Sophie then learnt to skate without the penguin- well done Sophie

Sorry all the photos are blurry but this is because we are whizzing by in every shot!!

Can't remember the last time I went ice skating - like riding a bike I soon remembered what to do. Great fun. Kids want to go back tomorrow!

The ice rink is attached to a dry ski slope. I can see another thing to add to my list - go skiing!

Extras- what to swap in and out?
41.  Olympic day- watch Olympics, play games, have a party??
42.  Camping with friends
43.  Go skiing (will have to be dry ski slope skiing??)

Friday 3 February 2012

Quick update.

I have bought a book and plan to knit a fried egg!!!

Ha Ha.

Need to learn to knit first. Sophie would really like me to knit a doughnut!!!

I have updated my list. Taken out learn to play piano (maybe leave until I am 50!!) and put in bike ride with family instead. I have also listed 2 reserve items - will they get swapped in??

Again snow is forecast tomorrow - is this my Chance to sledge?

Thursday 2 February 2012

Went to the running club again. Was very cold (must have been -2 at least). Ran 2.6 miles apparently (instructor said). Felt ok while running except for cold face. I was wearing hat and gloves though. Legs feel ok today too. I enjoyed it.

I have been thinking about what to do next on the list and have been trawling the internet/ebay for some items:

  • Tap shoes (number 23 on list) - anyone seen any deals for tap shoes (size 4)? I have seen a 6 week course in Reading but will wait until summer before joining so Iain can carry on in his pool league (both on Tuesday evenings)

  • Wii party games (number 34 on list): For family games day. I am trying to decide whether to have a full games day or split it into a number of sessions (afternoons. morning etc). Will the children (and us adults) get fed up if the whole day is geared towards games? Maybe have a summer games day (outside activities) and winter games day (while it is soooo cold)??

List of games:
  • Wii - thinking of Wii party or similar, George will also like to challenge us to Mario Karts as he will probably win!!

  • Board games: we have monopoly, cranium, snakes and ladders and lots more- could spend a whole day on this!!

  • Outside: racing, egg and spoon, hoopla etc..

  • Table football - in door game.
Anyone any thoughts? I am thinking a few game sessions but recording our scores and then maybe have prizes for each type of game and then an overall winner. Maybe I will try to find a trophy on e-bay. Must try to keep costs down!!

Must also get on a plant something too (number 10).